Monday, August 29, 2016

Addicted: A Poem

In that second, I looked at him and

I... fucked...his... mind!

In that moment, those two seconds

He became addicted to the thought of me.

I was the first he saw

The only one he saw.

He looked at me, and i

I stripped him down naked

In my mind, and he saw the same picture

Us together naked on the floor.

We fucked. And you,

You still remember

What i smelled like and you

You feel in love with my scent

In those two seconds

You became addicted

Addicted to me.

-Tea Channelle

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Love and Lust: questions

1 what is love to you? How do you define it?

2 they say marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs like crack cocaine and heroin do you think masturbation can lead to being lustful or promiscuous Behavior? can it make you want to watch porn?

3 do you believe watching porn is bad?

4 do you think that being lustful can be dangerous? Why? Where do you think it can lead you?

5 do you think people shouldn't experience an orgasm until marriage?

Love and Lust: The difference between the two

How do you know if your in love with someone or if you're in love with them. What is lust? What is love?

   Lust is a more easily defined word it is defined as a very strong sexual desire or having very strong sexual desire for someone,Or an intense longing. We often mistaken the two. Have you ever sat and thought about someone for an extended period about the way they smelled or how their lips looked and how you imagine they taste it or how it would feel to have sex with a big booty girl? Whatever the case is, it's being lustful. You're objectifying the subject.
What is a person? Are they a collection of body parts? Are we made of plastic? Or are we a whole person with a soul, full of all the things that make a person human. Strengths, weaknesses, quarks, fears, insecurities, anxieties, vulnerabilities, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams?

   The answer is obvious, let it Escape so many. Lost and are six and skin saturated culture Kama whether by conscious choice or more years of overexposure that is conditioned and addiction, many people view the other six as objects to be consumed. , Menzie on a page, a TV screen or seen in real life. It's easy to stare at a photo or movie of a nude person. Matter of fact they don't have to be nude and create the perfect fantasy of them. But where do you live? You live in real life, not in fantasy. We all live in real life. So what happens when the way we view people is completely foreign in fantasy? Problems. They're one thing being in a long-term relationship like marriage teaches you, it shows the full Humanity of a woman and a full Humanity of a man. There's a reason marriage now says " for better or worse " in them. marriage is guaranteed to bring with its the best size of a person as well as the worst.
   Once you move in with someone you begin to see all the balls. You know what they look like when tired, stressed out, stinky breath or not make it. These are things you don't see when you're hooking up and are not real serious about the relationship. You don't see the flaws and a receptionist at the counter you're flirting with. Fantasy takes over and you assume this person has none of these human imperfections. The reality is sex is not about body parts. It's about trust safety and commitment things that are completely foreign to lust.
   Lust is a desire or appetite that is indulged and fed as one looks at another person. Women list as well but we don't typically do it by logging simply for a physical body, and image, or a sexual release. Our temptation life more directly and a man giving us attention, affection, and a feeling of emotional intimacy and connectedness. This closeness is generally what allows a woman to open up sexually and what Spurs us on to sexual activity.
   So basically men will lust by indulging the physical and women more often lust by  indulging the emotional. This is not to say that men don't care about the emotional, but generally men separate the emotional from the physical and many times when it comes to having sex or cheating that is exactly what takes place. Women are objectified, meaning we are treated as a sexual tools and vehicle for selfish pleasure rather than one to whom they want to commit themselves to love unconditionally and permanently. Lust only takes, and it destroys never delivering what it promises and always leaving a person empty and feeling compelled to lust again. It's very addictive and consuming, and it is such a powerful weapon of the enemy. That's why sex is a billion dollar industry.
   See love, love is different. Love demands sacrifice that can't be found and self-centeredness. You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Love requires that we give what we value most our hearts, mind, soul, and strength. The Greeks called Love " The Madness of the Gods". modern psychologists Define it "as the strong desire for emotional Union with another person". But what, actually is love? It means so many different things to different people. song writers have described it "whenever you're near I hear a symphony ". Shakespeare said, "love is blind and and lovers cannot see". Aristotle said " love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies".

love and lust: a poem

Over and over I we played our last session as I like to call them/
that rushed yet steamy sex we had in the backseat of your car/
you never said you loved me as I recall but I'm my mind you did/
You bought me things that made me smile gift so I wouldn't be sad/
I had hoped you would be the one/
I couldn't, no, I didn't want to think of ever being a part/
the way your hands would gently caressed my skin as you're making your way up the back of my shirt to unsnap my bra/
how did you do that with one hand?/
and your lips your beautiful full lips how they would cover mine so softly/
I love when we kissed/
sometimes I still feel it lingering/
for a while I was happy at least I thought I was/
but here I am alone/
you never lied to me you told me from the start that you had a girl/
but I was determined to win you like a prize but in truth who wants a cheater

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 This is a link to my Radio show i did today with @thatmotherfuckingguy on dick sucking and relationships (disclaimer i do know communication is up there on the top of the list for relationship longevity. ) dick sucking in my personal opinion is important too!

What the deal really is with dick sucking!

Random Thought

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Why is dick sucking forbidden or looked at as a taboo?

Do you ever wonder why?

They say it has roots to cannibalism and the fact the Greeks where gay or some shit. Whatever. And whoever discovered it was on to a gold mine. From what I'm told i must have gotten one on one lessons from Karen on dick sucking because by far I've been told i'm the best. Haha. Any ways to me, dick sucking is not really a science you know just ask your partner what they like. like for instance some dudes like there shaft licked up and down while your staring in they're eyes and then putting your lips around his penis and sucking with medium speed on the crown of his penis head twisting his shaft in a upward and counter clockwise motion while still looking sultry in his eyes. yo! I'm telling you they love that shit! Just some thoughts I'm having. Hit me up on topics you want me to speak on...


Friday, March 4, 2016

growing up in a sex crazed world

Growing up in a sex crazed world

      I was raised in a Muslim household. Growing up i was taught to wait for sex until after marriage. In order to remain pure. I wasn't allowed to watch movies with sexual connotations or music videos, anything that would awaken lower desires that was definitely within my teenage body. I'm not complaining. I still believe holding yourself for marriage is the most beautiful gift one partner can give to another next to a child..

      Sex is everywhere. Television, radio, billboards that's what advertisers do is sell us sex. Sex is a billion dollar industry. As the world is now, there was no way for my mom to completely shield me. Congratulations to her though, i didn't lose my virginity until i was an adult. I remember wondering how it would feel like to lose it. I assume it would hurt the first couple of times (reading books taught me that) but that it would be this magical feeling you know? like heaven as a feeling. I wanted to feel that, i was curious. But i couldn't get past the thought of being naked in front of someone let alone them actually touching my body.

      My mom was brutally honest about sex, std's and pregnancy with us. I remember one time she made me wear a half of sack of potatoes under my clothes to look like i was pregnant to show me about teen pregnancy and how it is shameful and shamed in our community. I personally think it was to torture me for her personal amusement but whatever.

      I had a couple of associates and school mates get pregnant while i was a teenager and like most parents, my mom shielded me and treated them like they had the plague. And when i think of it, some of the women turned out more successful than i. Shielding me didn't stop the desire to have sex. And them succumbing didn't ruin their lives. though i'm sure did pose different obstacles and road blocks.

      Its all around us. Its the way we procreate. Its nothing wrong with sex. Sex is natural. I think its about time we stop stigmatizing sex as a bad thing. Unholy, And start placing sex back where it belongs building the family unit. 30 +/- years ago sex was beginning to become commercialized if we continue on the current course we as a people, as a community are on, sex in a few years could be legal to do in the streets and in public.

     I don't want to appear like i'm shying away from my usual sexual education class i love writing about i'm just letting words flow throw me to the page. id like to go deeper into teen pregnancy and sexual advertisement in our every day lives at a later time.

-Tea Channelle